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Prepared Speeches


We typically have three prepared speakers who give speeches lasting 5-7 minutes. Each of these speakers are then evaluated so that everyone can learn from their experience. The Toastmasters International Competent Communicator (CC) manual guides you through ten projects: speeches you prepare and deliver, each of which focuses on a different core skill.


Meeting Roles


Each meeting has a variety of roles that can be undertaken by members. Taking on such roles offers a great way to practice critical skills such as listening, time management and giving constructive feedback: 


  • Timer: Because one of the purposes of Toastmasters is to ensure our members learn how to express a thought within a specific time, the Timer operates the timing device, records and reports the time used by each table topic speaker, speaker, and evaluator. 

  • Grammarian: Presents a word of the week, gives the definition, uses it in a sentence and encourages meeting participants to use the word in their speech; also checks participants’ grammar. 

  • Ah Counter: Tracks and reports distractions, such as audible pauses, filler words (e.g. “ah”, “uh”, “like”, etc.), and filler sounds used by meeting participants. 

  • Videographer: records the prepared speeches and evaluation portion of the meeting, allowing speakers can go back and review their performance after giving their speeches.

  • Evaluator: The purpose of the evaluator is to motivate the speaker to both continue speaking and to improve. The evaluator lets the speaker know what areas s/he has excelled in, and also offers a few constructive suggestions to help the speaker improve.


Table Topics


We also have a table topics session geared towards developing impromptu speaking skills. A random member will be called on to respond to an unexpected question. The member is expected to speak for at least 1 minute in response.


Leadership Roles

Our officers are elected twice a year by members.  Officers are crucial to our club's success and ensure meetings run smoothly, reward achievers, and remind our community that success always in sight.


Officers are able to practice conflict resolution and problem solving, and naturally develop leadership skills such as project and team management.


What you gain


New Membership Process

Rhino requires that you attend three meetings as a guest before you are eligible to apply.  Voting will take place on the last week of the month.  Guests are strongly encouraged to engage with members before and after the meeting.


New Member Eligibility Requirement


Voting Week Procedures

  1. Vice President of Membership will send out online voting form to all members. 

  2. Members will vote for the nominees.  A simple majority (51%) is required to vote in a new member.

  3. Nominees will be notified of their status by email within one week.


Rhino Values

  • Passion for self-improvement

  • Positive enthusiasm and demeanor

  • Commitment to attend meetings regularly

  • Commitment to punctuality

  • Respect for individuals

  • Dedication to excellence


Membership Fees

The fees cover your membership for six months and include membership to the monthly Toastmasters magazine. Your initial membership fee will also include Toastmaster International's online course (called Pathways) for developing your speaking and leadership skills .


Learn More about Membership

Want to learn more? Visit and come visit a Rhino meeting!

Membershp Basics
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